About Us


Jigme Lingpa Center is a nonprofit organization led by Lama Lhanang Rinpoche. Our goal is to generate benefit to all sentient beings through the dissemination of the Buddha’s teachings of wisdom and compassion, in order to achieve a sustainable future of peace and harmony for all.

For this, we offer classes, courses, practices and conferences for general public as well as for Tibetan Buddhist practitioners.
Our activities include meditation classes, Anu Yoga, public talks and courses on the various teachings of the Buddha.

Jigme Lingpa Center is Non Profit Religious Corporation, 501 (c) (3).

At Jigme Lingpa Center, we also aim to preserve the Tibetan philosophy, history and culture.
To achieve this, we organize cultural festivals, conduct celebrations and rituals of Tibetan Buddhism.

In San Diego, the Center holds in person practices at St. David's Episcopal Church, 5050 Milton St, San Diego, CA 92110 on Sundays. Please check our calendars for times.

We give public lectures on a variety of topics concerning both the practical application of Buddhism and its cultural and historical aspects.

In addition, the Jigme Lingpa Center network has various dharma centers around the world. We also organize spiritual retreats in the United States, Mexico and Canada.


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Venerable Lama Lhanang Rinpoche was born in Golok, Amdo northeast of Tibet. As a child, he entered the Thubten Chokor Ling Monastery located in the Gande region, Golok under the guidance of his root teacher Kyabye Orgyen Kusum Lingpa, where in addition to developing a complete monastic education, he trained in the yogi lineage of Anu Yoga.

He was recognized as the rebirth of Ken Rinpoche Damcho, an emanation of Nubchen Namke Nyingpo - one of the 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche - by the Sang Long Monastery located in eastern Tibet.

He has received teachings from a large number of teachers from the different schools and lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, such as HH Dalai Lama, 4th Dodrupchen Rinpoche, Kyabye Katok Getse Rinpoche, among others.

Lama Lhanang Rinpoche is a teacher of Vajrayana Buddhism, from the Nyingma school of the Longchen Nyingthig lineage. In addition to the instructions of Buddhism, he studied history, astrology, grammar, Tibetan medicine, painting, sculpture, music, theater. All this has led him to share teachings on the proper use of the body, the word and the mind; with the motto: world peace through inner peace .

His life in the West has also been dedicated to sharing the teachings of the Buddha through his painting, in which he reflects his relationship with everyday life, no matter where he is in the world.

He currently lives in San Diego, CA and directs Jigme Lingpa Center, in addition to sharing his teachings in centers in the US, Canada, Europe and Mexico.

Longchen Nyingthig Lineage



Garab Dorje


Shri singha



Guru Rinpoche

Yeshe Sogyal

Longchen Rabjam

Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa

Jigme Gyalwe Nyugu -  Jigme Thrinle   Ozer -   Jigme Logzer Kuntrul       

Jamyang  Khyentse  Wanpo

Jigme  Tenpe  Nyima

Lobtsan  Namtag

Kyabye Orgyen  Kunsun  Lingpa

Venerable Lama Lhanang Rinpoche


We contribute to the community locally and globally. We organize special fundraising activities to help the local population in need and those in areas of the world that have suffered disasters.

In addition, we make visits, talks and workshops in schools, community centers, public libraries, etc. We know that by helping any individual we can make a positive difference in the world.