Jigme Lingpa Centers
Jigme Lingpa Center is independently run and operated Dharma Center and non-profit organization, inspired by the vision of Lama Lhanang Rinpoche to provide students, the community and the public at large with Buddhist teachings, centers of fellowship and places to meditate and develop their practice.
Lama Lhanang serves as the spiritual teacher at the organization. With his guidance, Jigme Lingpa Center continue to grow and provide meaningful service to students and the public. They can be found throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia as well.
The Beginner’s Guide
TO karma
Publishing by New World Library
Twenty-six centuries ago, the Buddha fleshed out the universal law of the spiritual realm: karma, which holds that our actions, our words, and even our thoughts inevitably produce effects that return to us in some form — in this lifetime or a future one.
In The Beginner’s Guide to Karma, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche and Mordy Levine encourage readers to forget what they’ve heard about karma and look at the subject afresh. Delving into Buddhist scripture and tradition, the authors give a comprehensive overview that incorporates psychology, ethics, and metaphysics.
Using everyday language and real-life examples, they clear away myths, illustrate how karma works in daily life, and offer practices to build positive karma.
The Beginner’s Guide to Karma neatly sums up the Buddhist worldview and makes a compelling case for a way of being that nurtures compassion, joy, and inner peace in an uncertain world.
Tibetan Book of the Dead for Beginners
Publishing by Sounds True
Enduring and accessible advice for living with wisdom and compassion—and meeting the end of life with courage and peace.
Through countless editions and across centuries, the Tibetan Book of the Dead has drawn readers intrigued by the Tibetan Buddhist view of the end of life.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead for Beginners helps readers cultivate courage and embrace the unknown—not just at the end of life, but every day.
Buddhist Kit for Living & Dying
This beautifully curated kit includes written and audio poems, prayers, readings that will help anyone die in peace. It includes Phowa reading by Rinpoche Lama Lhanang, and an English version for Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. It includes artwork by Rinpoche Lama Lhanang and a personally signed greeting from Rinpoche. The kit includes a pre-loaded easy to use MP3 audio player for easy access by the individual who would rather listen to poems, chants, mantras or meditations.
To purchase, please send $45 (for local pickup), $50 (for shipping USPS Media Mail), $65 (for shipping to Canada) here, or speak with your local Sangha leader. https://www.buddhistsandiego.com/dana.
For additional shipping requests (e.g., express shipping), please email us at: jigmelingpacenter@gmail.com.
Teaching Meditation to Anyone in Need
Jigme Lingpa Center has trained an amazing team of our Sangha members to teach secular meditation. They have volunteered to teach secular meditation to people who are ill (and/or their family members) or to ANYONE to reduce stress or anxiety in their lives. This is done by phone weekly.
If you wish to help you can help distributing business cards about this program to any local organizations including medical facilities, hospitals, doctor's offices, nurses, health administrators, etc.
Jigme Lingpa Center, led by Lama Lhanang, is a non-profit organization whose goal is to reduce suffering in the world. The goal of this program is to help reduce stress and anxiety for anyone through meditation.
For more information contact us at jigmelingpacenter@gmail.com.
Meditation Teacher Training Program with Lama Lhanang
Jigme Lingpa Center is offering a meditation teacher training program led by Lama Lhanang Rinpoche that, upon completion, includes a certificate for teaching meditation.
The teacher training program covers:
- How to present the benefits of meditation to beginners
- How to practice and teach both Vipassana and Shamatta meditations
- How to respond to questions, concerns, and feedback that students present
- Practice teaching meditation to others
- Opportunities to meditate with Lama Lhanang Rinpoche
Participants must commit to a daily meditation practice throughout the length of the program.
Participants must have a strong desire to teach meditation to others.
For more information contact us at jigmelingpacenter@gmail.com
Refugee Support
We are all aware of the homeless situation facing all of our countries.
Although we may be inconvenienced in some manner from it, the real suffering is experienced by the homeless population.
To relieve their suffering, 100% of these donations go to purchasing and distributing poncho blankets to people on the streets during the winter, or clothing and food during other times of the year.
Homeless Support
We support many Tibetan refugees in Nepal or India. This includes sending funds for healthcare, ceremonies for when they die, and education for their children. And once again, 100% of these donations go to the refugees.
No amount is too small - $5-$10-$25-$50 etc. Thank you for helping us to reduce suffering.
Weekly Schedule
Please see our schedule. Please email us at jigmelingpacenter@gmail.com to attend in person or access to classes. They are free.