What’s Your Karma is a card (and pebble) game that will make you question yourself (and others) as to what you think is the right thing to do.
Karma, which has been around for thousands of years, and predates Buddhism, is a misunderstood concept.
We think we know what good karma and bad karma is, but most people don’t and you may be wrong!
Each player has the option of responding to a challenging and thought provoking scenario. Their response will determine if they earn good or bad karma.
The karma judges decide!
The player who attains more good karma first (measured in white karma pebbles) goes to Nirvana and wins the game!
This game has been played and tested hundreds of times by people from all religions, races, genders, and all walks of life. The response has been overwhelmingly wonderful. They had a lot of fun and learned how to get to Nirvana.
It is fun, challenging, and will inspire you to create good karma, and most importantly how to create good karma.
The game creation has been completed so your purchase simply goes to the purchase of materials and shipping of the game to you.
All net profits go to these 2 non-profits:
Buddhist Global Relief whose mission is to relieve chronic hunger and malnutrition worldwide, and Jigme Lingpa Center whose mission is to achieve world peace through inner peace (e.g. meditation).
What’s Your Karma was created by Tom Seidman and Mordy Levine during the pandemic years when it was obvious that many of us were behaving poorly in life and didn’t understand the consequences of our behavior. This game solves that problem!
A big thank you to the approximately 100 people who tested it over and over again until we ‘got it right’. And many thanks to Lama Lhanang to ensuring we ‘got it right’.